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Hi, I am Laura. I was born in Austria and I have known Young Living and their wonderful oils for over 15 years now. My mother and some of her friends were among the first people to bring Young Living to Austria and spread their goodness across Europe. I was raised in a holistic, natural way and of course essential oils were part of that lifestyle. When I was 16, I had the opportunity to visit and work at Young Living's headquarters in Utah, USA. I did a 3 months internship and got to see and work at many different areas of the company. I met Gary and Mary Young and their, back then very young sons. I got to explore their Utah farms, pick weeds and perform lab tests on the oils quality. I got to see and feel with my very own eyes and heart who is behind this company. Who is running the whole thing and how these people feel who have created this gift for us.
To be very honest with you though, even though I was raised with essential oils and got to experience the company in all its depths I only really started loving and deep diving into using and integrating the oils myself in 2011. Back then, at the age of 21 I experienced what I call my spiritual awakening. This year was a huge turning point in my life - and immediately when that happened for me, when I started to recognise the bigger picture the oils became a significant part of my life as well.
It was all the emotional blends like Awaken and Highest Potential (and many others) that I felt so drawn to and that guided me on my way to come - in addition to all the amazing support with physical issues that essential oils gift us naturally. Also in 2011, after a short visit "back home" and traveling for a couple of years I finally moved to Asia, Thailand for several years. Back then from 2011 to 2015, the time frame I lived in Thailand, Young Living hadn't opened the South East Asia market yet. So ordering YL oils into Thailand meant huge shipping and import tax costs, which just didn't make sense. Every now and then my mom would send me oils or whenever I went back to visit Austria I would get a bunch and bring them with me to Thailand. In the meantime I desperately tried looking for something that compares to Young Living oils. But no matter where I had looked, whether it was Thailand or India, Australia or Hawaii never could I find anything that - for me - compared to the quality and the feeling I had when working with Young Living oils.

In 2015 I decided to leave Thailand and move back to my origins - Austria. Standing at the entrance of a whole new chapter in my life I tried figuring out what it was I wanted to do now. One thing I always felt drawn to was the concept of Young Living's business and how it would allow me to make money without being stuck in a regular 9-5 job. So I decided to take over the little team that my mom had started building for me the past couple of years. Together, my mom and I hosted "oily get togethers" - we'd invite people into our living room and share with them our love for essential oils and the incredible power they inherit. As much as I loved doing this, it wasn't getting me where I really wanted to be - location independent. Living in Thailand I had met so many digital nomads and had always been intrigued by this lifestyle. Working online and not being tied to one specific location to be able to support oneself financially. Eventually, after four years of "offline" work with Young Living and actually trying out another Network Marketing Company believing "the grass would be greener on another side" - I eventually started seeing the bigger picture of how I can combine this type of business - that I knew I wanted to work with and had been convinced of for years - with a free lifestyle of traveling and choosing every day, every year anew where I really want to be.
And here we are a couple years later and you have found us, Amoha on this website. A couple years later and I am a Gold Leader with my Young Living Business and make a very decent income (see income disclosure statement) with a job that I absolutely love!
If you are curious about this business too, but don't feel convinced yet. Contact us and I or anyone of our tribe will happily tell you in depth why we love doing this business so much and how it works exactly.
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